Great post Doctor. What a great journey!
John Free
JoinedPosts by John Free
10 years on.....
by snare&racket ini was a window cleaner, i was at the time unemployed, homeless.
i had no education to be proud of (high school one a two b's rest c's) i was a jehovahs witness.
i had been a pioneer.
Isis and failed prophecy
by snare&racket inhi everybody, hope you are all well!
i read this today and thought of the jw's and you guys.. it's an article from today's paper about isis and a recent victory over the town of dabiq.
isis have long claimed that this will be the city where good will face evil i.e islam v christianity/western powers.
John Free
They could just say that events have taken place invisibly- then after a few decades simply rewrite the past by indicating that's what was prophecied all along... -
My 1 Year Update - I've Been Disfellowshipped One Year Today
by pale.emperor inwhat a journey!.
it was a year ago today that i was announced from the platform by brother paul "twofaced" castley that i was "no longer one of jehovah's witnesses".
i didn't go to that meeting to hear the announcement because i already didn't believe the watchtower religion.. how was my first year?
John Free
Happy freedomaversary pale emp.
resistance is NOT futile.
Dealing with Loneliness and Social Anxiety
by NoviceLocs14 inhello, this is my 1st initiated post on this site, so i'm a bit nervous.
i did search for similar topics on this site, but a lot of them have been inactive for several years, so here goes.... a little background, i was pretty much born in "da twoof", baptized at 17, pioneered for about 6 years, was part of the rbc part time, and was even in the foreign language field for the last 3 years i was a jw.
so i pretty much had a pretty active social life within the organization due to being part of all of those things.
John Free
Hi Novice Locks 14!
Nice to meet you. You are not alone with these feelings. I am also a sufferer, fish out of water syndrome. Well done on starting a topic, and a meaningful one too.
I guess people in general have long since formed their social networks and are not in the same rush we are to form new friends. I came to the conclusion that it takes time and patience. I joined a hiking group a couple of months back, which is good since there is always something to talk about due to the nature of the activity- aliviating social awkwardness, slowly friendships are being formed.
Welcome to the forum.
New Here
by Red.tomato inhi everyone, this is my first post .. it takes a little bit of courage to do it, i have to admit and even thought i have been lurking for some time as time goes by it gets more and more difficult to keep attending meetings and just been around the friends in the congregation.
ever since i learned about the arc something inside of me just broke and it feels pretty hollow, now i pay attention to every single form of manipulation in every direction, what difference it makes with the catholic church or with any other religions ?
i wonder why the publishers are under obligation to report about their lives and decisions to the elders but they don´t keep informed the congregation about what´s going on legally other than russia.
John Free
A warm welcome to the forum. Great comments, the bday comment and the fact that they are selective as to what legal developments they report to the rank and file.
just don't believe the cult idea that it is 'weak' to leave. It takes strength to leave such a manipulative group that mentally traps its members with fear, obligation and guilt.
great to have you here!
2017 International Regional Convention, Toronto – Entertainment at Sony Centre
by SAHS ini’ve been hearing from several very reliable sources that there will be an exclusive elite gala entertainment event hosted by the watch tower organization, featuring specially chosen jehovah’s witnesses of outstanding talent as well as spiritual reputation, at the sony centre (formerly called the o’keefe centre) in toronto, ontario (canada) as a special “after hours” addition to the 2017 special international convention.. those chosen have to meet very strict criteria, including, not so much technical and popular talents, but, rather, their spiritual maturity which can be easily and practically related to by the audience (i.e., degree of conformity – you know what i mean!).
a notable and very well-known professional “super star” from some other country (i don’t know which one) who has achieved highly recognized and popular talent was surprisingly not chosen to participate in the extra entertainment program, whereas other performers with rather ho-hum musical abilities ended up being selected, ostensibly for their altruistic and “theocratic” qualities.
(something tells me that there is going to be some jealousy and indignant, hard feelings over this rather authoritarian, arbitrary selection process.
John Free
I was involved in arranging one of these events 3 or 4 years ago. While the wbts contributed nil to the expenses of the event; this was the 'privilege' of the local congregations, it wasn't a money making machine. I would say it's purpose was to create an extreme cult love experience.
UK Child banned from seeing JW videos
by usualusername1 in
John Free
These videos are 'extremist'. This is effectively a western judge ruling such. I know he says because this child is 'impressionable' and that he is likely to be 'influenced' but how many children wouldn't be?!
Credit to the judge because his hands are tied due to freedom of religion laws and this is probably the best he could do to limit cult indoctrination on this child.
The judge is well balanced but the system is not since no child should have to face 'emotional damage'!
What strange counsel did YOU GIVE to others?
by Funchback inalright.... so in another thread, most of us have been counseled for some lame stuff, and the responses range from funny to shocking.. now, let's focus on you giving counsel to others.
come on, don't be shy!.
i'll begin:.
John Free
Shamefully, I counselled a congregation that taking the morning after pill was akin to murder. Because, contrary to medical science and without foundation in scripture the washtowel believes that a fertilised egg is a life. It was in the outline so I stated it without fact checking.
Finally ready to join the crowd.
by Silent Knight inhello, all you damn dirty apostates!
please, allow me to join this community of diseased minds.
i have been lurking here for over 2 years and tonight i decided it's time to come out of the shadows.
John Free
Welcome to the forum fellow weaker one, mentally diseased, cowardly, ungreatful of heritage, satanic apostate! 😂 Seriously, a warm welcome to freedom and the beginning of a much better life!
Begining of freedom???
by JW-AWAKED J17 inhello every body!.
it's my thirst time here.
i'm verry glad to tell you my resignation as an elder in my local congregation.
John Free
Welcome to you!!! Congratulations on finding the strength to to take this step. You have been mistaking a controlling cycle of cult indoctrination for a spiritual feeding programme. The sooner you can stop wasting your time with this group the better your life will become. I was in a similar position to you, awake, they were piling on the pressure for me to remain an ms. My solution was simple...I just stopped attending, I offered no explanation. I told them I wanted to be left alone. Sometimes we can allow pressure to blind us to the fact that it is easy to leave this organisation. Best wishes!